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 Expired Tender Details
NIT No.SubjectDateDocuments
Start Of SaleSubmissionNIT Tender
205-211 tender For the work of installing water coolers in wards under Municipal Corporation Kota North. 13/06/2024 08:00 24/06/2024 18:00 NIT Tender
163-168 Tender for Arranagment of Mike Sound As Annual Contract Rate 10/06/2024 14:19 20/06/2024 18:00 NIT Tender
01-11 Tender for Cleaning works of SAIPHAN NALA AND Supply of kushal Beldar for Nala Cleaning 19/06/2024 18:00 19/06/2024 18:00 NIT Tender
Kota Municipal Corporation
Nodal Officer: Sachin Yadav (XEN), Ph.No. :0744-2501903 , Email : nnkota@gmail.com
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